Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Take Me Back Tuesday

The 90's

What bands from the 90's that have broken up do you miss?
  1. BlackStreet
  2. Toni Tony Tone
  3. SWV
  5. Guy

What was your favorite song from that decade?
Mary J Blige - You Gotta Believe

What was your favorite album?
Mary J Blige My Life

How did you feel about the whole "grunge" genre that popped up in the early 90's?

not my thang

What was your favorite 1hit wonder of that decade?

Paper Boy Ditty


Harmonia said...

Those are EXCELLENT songs!!! Very nice! I was just listening to blackstreet yesterday! ;)

janeylynne said...

I forgot about Ditty! Man, I still love that song!

janeylynne said...

BTW--Is the title of your blog an homage to Pearl Cleage's novel "What looks like crazy on an ordinary day?"? If so, you are awesome! That book is excellent.