Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday Mommy Tip

My mommy tip is simple

BUY A will soon become your best friend. I have two (6qt & 8qt) and I literally would be lost without them. For working moms, stay at home moms...all moms have more stuff to do than they have time to do it in. A crockpot gives you freedom. Want a hot, home cooked meal ready for the troops when they get home with out slaving over the stove? There are so many simple, delicious, awesome meals that can be prepared in the crockpot.......


Kim said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes! And I am so with you on the crock pot! I have 2 as well and they are FANTASTIC!! ::hugs::

MarieY said...

Yup - Crockpot is a MUST for busy moms. I have 2 also and absolutely love it. Thanks for playing along.

SAHMmy Says said...

I couldn't live without my crockpot; it's a lifesaver in the summer--no heating up the kitchen with the oven! Thanks!